Monday, January 31, 2011

31: Convolvulus with raindrops

raindrops on convolvulus flower, in my garden

Days are numbered for this convolvulus flower, on one of the many vines that have invaded the native trees in my back garden. If today had been fine, it would have been ripped from its dwelling place. But it has rained, so it is safe for another day. The raindrops look so heavy on its delicate petals. I hate being violent towards such beauty!


  1. It looks so pretty! I know it is considered a weed and that it chokes other plants, but it's so pretty!!


  2. I know.... I hate wrecking its ecosystem when I yank it out!

  3. You caught the light really well - very delicate.

  4. Thanks Allanah. The rain has stopped here now, but the gales continue!

  5. I know lorenzo...the raindrops are like jewels... and the flower like silk... and together they are exquisite. But it's still a weed, sadly!

  6. Well done, I think you have got exactly the correct exposure for that image. Sometimes tricky with a white subject against a dark background.

  7. Maalie- I have to admit it was more good luck than good management. I was using auto focus with my little compact Sony as it was drizzling- and it takes quite good macro shots. My 'better' camera doesn't tend to focus on white close-up at all well... but it was safely inside in the dry.

  8. just gorgeous - looks like it must have been photo shopped to be so perfect! Hard to believe that is a weed.

  9. No, no photoshop.... just how it came out in the camera... Poor flower disappeared yesterday though when I had a good yank away at the convolvulus!
