Sunday, January 29, 2012

unexpected error

There's a lot of cabling being done underground in my neighbourhood at present- for broadband I think- so there are lots of 'barriers'. On one of them my 'teacher nose' couldn't help but spy this spelling error. I wonder if it was sold for a cheaper price? And how many faulty ones were produced from the mould before someone realised? Is it only teachers who can't help noticing things like this? Have I been teaching too long?


  1. It is not an error that is easy to correct.

    1. No indeed- these barriers are quite large...

    2. I spot spelling mistakes too. Also was a teacher. I remember the headmaster who spotted a spelling error in a letter from the local education department. He returned it marked 'Sp 9/10'

  2. Hahahaha good on the headmaster. Teachers eh- we're stuck on the spelling treadmill forever...
