Saturday, September 10, 2011

Out 'training'

I was looking forward to this weekend and my planned 20km walk, up one of my old 'training' roads, Kahuterawa. I left home early, and was rewarded with the sight of a spectacular sunrise. I hadn't gone far walking when I heard a rooster crowing, and I was instantly reminded of walking with Lyne and Denis one Camino morning in 2008 as we left Molinaseca, when there was a chorus of roosters from either side of the road.

There were many signs of spring as I walked- see my Nomad blog for more photos- and I remembered how much happiness it brought me seeing the seasons change as I walked in 2007/8- both training for, and walking on, the Camino. Once I reached the higher parts of the walk today, the river was my companion- sometimes I was high above it, and sometimes low down near it. But always I could hear it flowing. And there was plenty of birdsong in the bush. My feet were sore by the time I had finished 20km, but I enjoyed being in the countryside so much....

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