Saturday, June 30, 2012

Back to Paris

Back to Paris

You'd think that with all the walking I've done recently I'd be quite content to sit still on a train for a few hours. But each time I saw something that looked like a possible walking track somewhere in the countryside, I was itching to be out there striding it out. Just with a day pack on though, that would be quite sufficient.

My hotel in Paris is simple but clean and in a great spot, right in the middle of a very lively part of Montmatre. Bottom of funicular is not far away though I haven't found it yet. That's tomorrow morning's job.

Had convo drinks and dinner with some old and new pilgrim friends this evening. Very Parisian, in a cafe on the Boulevard St Michel.

And tomorrow in Paris there are two events on: the ordination of 12 men in Notre Dame - and the Gay Pride march. Quite a combo!!!

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  1. i am utterly jealous! keepp these fabulos posts coming!

  2. grrrrrr typing this on an eee pad touch screen....
