Monday, April 17, 2017

West Coast sunshine

Unlike on my summer visit, this time the weather has been superb! Yesterday I left Murchison to head down the road to Westport. There I visited the seal colony again, with many young seals frolicking in the surf near the 'nursery' rocks. I only spotted a couple of small ones feeding and I guess the adults are largely out at sea feeding.
Then I drove south towards Greymouth, stopping off at Punakaiki where it seemed the roughish seas and incoming tide meant I had timed it well to see a bit of blowing... And to end the day, I arrived in Kumara, the town where my goldmining Payn, Scettrini, and some Lalors settled.

Now for a few photos. I'm using a new app- will make the photos bigger when I am home again...

And in Greymouth I had the great joy of seeing that the restoration of my Lalor great grandparents grave is nearly complete.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Love photos of your country! Are you doing the restauration of your grand-parents grave?

    1. It is my great grandparents grave and they are original pioneers in this area. I am paying a local firm to repair it, and it is nearly finished.

  2. You have written that you are using a new app to post on your blog. Is in BlogPress and is there no way to make the photos bigger? I have downloaded BlogTouchFree but have not used it yet. I think I better try it out before our cycling trip in August.

    Just tried it out and I have to buy the App to be able to publish a public post! I am going to try out all the functions before I buy it! I had an app that I could use fairly easily but when I had my iPad repaired, I had to reload by apps and that one I could not find.

    1. Michèle I used to use Blogsy and Blogger apps but both have been discontinued- they never updated them for latest iOS changes. Then I got BlogTouch but on this trip I had trouble getting photos to load so downloaded this new app the other day. There possibly is a way to make photos bigger but I haven't worked it out yet. I am not away for long so I figure I will just upsize them all when I get home.
