Saturday, June 18, 2011

169: looks like winter

Looks like winter, feels like winter.... but it is nearly the Shortest Day after all.


  1. Well Margaret I was willing to concede Winter in the photo with frost but this one is green grass and a cyclist!


  2. Always green grass in our winter Michèle- and can still go cycling! But I was wrapped up warm in my jacket while I took this- and after five minutes walk it started raining again and I retreated to the car... And can't you see the 'nearly snow' look in those clouds on the ranges??!

  3. And a tuque and mittens? To make you a little jealous, I am sitting on my deck with my Mac Air in 25 celsius weather under my maple tree, sipping a glass of rosé.


  4. groan. We will be lucky to get 12C today. But crazily, we had 21C about two weeks ago.
