Friday, December 28, 2007

Latest French Vocab list

Now I am on holiday, without school filling my brain, the trip to France seems imminent, even though it is still just over three months until I leave home. So I resumed reading the TopoGuides, this time 'properly', to work out all the French 'walking' vocab I will need to be exact with. I will keep a link to my most updated list near the top of my sidebar -soon......

Vocabulary List – pour les randonneurs
Landscape Features:
l’abreuvoir: watering place
barbelés: barbed wire
la bâtisse: big building
le bosquet: copse, grove, thicket
le buron: stone cottage used in summer by farmer
la butte: hillock, mound
un chemin charretier: cart track
une châtaigneraie: chestnut grove, plantation
la clairière: clearing
une clôture: railing, enclosure
la combe: anticlinal valley
la corniche: ledge
le coteau: slope, hillside
une crête: crest, ridge
(un chemin) creux: sunken (path)
un croisement de chemins: crossroads
les dalles (de granit): (granite) paving stones
une draille: track used for moving herds to/from summer pasture
un embranchement: junction, fork
l’enceinte: wall
la falaise: cliff
le foirail: ???
la fourche: fork
les frênes: ash trees
à gué: by ford
le hameau: hamlet
une hêtraie: beech grove
les lacets: bends
main courante: handrail
un mamelon: a hillock, knoll
le muret, la murette: low wall
le parvis: square in front of church
la passerelle: footbridge
le piton: peak
le portillon de bois: wooden gate
un pré marécageux: boggy meadow
un raccourci: shortcut
le replat: projecting ledge
le repère: marker
le ressaut: projection
une sagne: ???
un sentier: a path
la trace: track, trail
la tourbière: peat bog
le tronçon: section
le virage: sharp turn, bend

Two words I often tend to muddle:
*au-dessus: above
*au-dessous: underneath, below
amont: upstream
contrebas: on a lower level, lower down
à l’orée de la forêt: on the edge of the forest

s’abaisser: to fall away, slope down
aboutir: to lead to (something)
atteindre: reach
bifurquer: fork, branch off
contourner: go round, bypass
couper un virage: cut a corner/bend
déboucher: leads to, comes out on
décrire une courbe: route bends
l’emprunter: take it
s’enfoncer: plunge down, go down
enjamber: to span (of a bridge over a river)
en escaladant la pente: by climbing the slope
se faufilant: threading its way
franchir: to walk through (stream, river), cross, to jump over, clear
s’infléchit à droite: bends, curves to the right
longer: follow, go along
obliquer: bear eg obliquez a gauche, bear left
se rétrécir: to narrow
se scinder: to split up, divide
virer: veer

Adjectives for track/road surface:
(un sentier) abrupt: sheer, steep
une assise empierree: a layer ( stratum) of metal
un chemin caillouteux: stony path
un chemin castiné: untarsealed path?
dégagé: clear, open
goudronnée: tarsealed
gravilloné: gravel, grit
parsemée de pins: scattered with pines
pierreux: stony
une route revêtu: sealed road

les pèlerins égarés: lost pilgrims
livre d’or: visitor’s book (in sanctuary of church in Le-Puy-en-Velay – reserved for pilgrims and walkers.)
des poignées pour se hisser: handholds to hoist yourself up


  1. I am impressed! Happy new Year Kiwi... we fly back tomorrow! LOOOOONNGGGGGGG way from anywhere is Aus and NZ!

  2. Jeepers you did travel a long way for all that cold over there! Sure is a long way back here! That's why when I leave, I try to stay away a long time!
